Creating New References (Win)

There are three ways to add new citations to your EndNote library:

  1. Exporting references from an online database
  2. Conducting an online search via the EndNote platform
  3. Manually creating references


From an Online Database

To export a reference from an online database (including the Teachers College Supersearch):

Use an online database (such as the Teachers College Supersearch or an online journal such as PubMed) as you typically would.


  • Select the reference you want. Click Send To or Export, then select Citation Manager or EndNote Desktop



  • Export the articles you have selected, then click Export. You can export up to 500 records each time without selection.



  • A file will download. Right-click the file and select Open.



  • The references will then populate in the EndNote library that is currently opened on your desktop.



  • To add a PDF of the article, select the reference, right-click on the reference, then click the Find Full Text button.



  • If the full-text PDF can be found, it will be attached to the reference.



From the EndNote Platform

To conduct an online search via the EndNote platform:


  • Click the globe-shaped online search icon



  • You can access the TC online database by selecting Columbia U-Teachers or the Columbia University database by selecting Columbia U and clicking Choose.



  • The database will appear in your navigation.



  • Build your search by entering key words, authors, or topic of your choosing. Then click Search.



  • Confirm the number of records you would like to be populated within EndNote. Click OK.



  • Select the references you want, right-click and select Copy References To. Then select your library or create a new library on your computer.



  • If you decide to create a New Library, type the name for your new library in the File name: text box, choose the location of where you want it to be saved in the left navigation, and then click Save.



Manually Create New References


  • Go to References then click New Reference.



  • This opens a new reference window for you to start typing (or pasting) into the fields.



  • Set the reference type using the drop-down menu next to the Reference Type: text box at the top of the record window.



  • Enter author names. For multiple authors, enter each new author on a new line within the Author field.



  • Once you are finished, click File and then click Save to save your new reference.